Local Business Listing Management


Capture and Convert More Local Business with Location Listings. 

Show up where your customers search.

Create, update, and manage business listings for all locations, all in one place for improved SEO and a better rank on maps.

Only $15 per month

Competitors can charge $40+ per month

Rank higher and attract more customers with Listings

Instead of managing multiple logins to update your business data and hoping it appears, our integrations empower you to update data once for multiple directories.

Simply change your business information inside the LiftMyRank platform and watch your business details update on your listings.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is the cost per location?

Each location you want to manage is a seperate Cost.  It is $15 per location.  If you have more than 20 location, contact us for special pricing.

How many locations can I add?

You can add as many locations as you wish.

Is directory submissions good for SEO and Maps?

Yes, directory submissions if they are implemented right will show Google you are trustworthy.  In order to be trustworthy, not only do want to submit your business information to the directories, but the information has to be consistent across all properties.

Lift your Rank makes it easy to scale your business and improve your SEO. Create a free account to get started.  Our software makes it easy to order and manage.  Schedule out the next 6 months or on demand. Know where we are in the process of your order, in-queue, writing, QA, revising, publisher contacted, submitted, posted, completed