Guest blogging can help boost your website’s traffic, increase brand exposure, and establish a solid online presence. At Lift My Rank, we improve businesses’ visibility by creating high-quality guest posts and finding authoritative publishing platforms. Here are nine FAQs about guest blogging:

1. What Is Guest Blogging?

Guest blogging is a marketing tactic that involves writing and publishing content for someone else’s website. Lift My Rank uses guest posts to build backlinks for our clients’ SEO. These links act as signals to search engines, indicating that your site has valuable content that other sites find helpful and informative. They can increase your site’s authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines, which can result in improved rankings and more exposure to potential customers.

2. How Do You Identify Guest Posting Opportunities?

Start by researching websites in your niche that accept guest posts. Some will have a “Write for Us” page to encourage businesses seeking link-building opportunities to reach out. Our professionals will help you identify relevant sites that offer guest posting opportunities. 

If you’re a plumber, we can try searching for “plumbing” followed by phrases like “guest post” or “write for us.” We have over 15 years of experience creating content and building links so that you can rely on our expertise.

3. How Do You Choose the Right Guest Posting Platform?

Some guest blog hosting platforms will be more beneficial to your SEO than others. At Lift My Rank, we consider factors like a site’s relevance to your niche, spam score, content quality, Moz domain authority ranking and Search Traffic. We only reach out to platforms that are relevant to your products and services to give you broader exposure. 

4. Do Private Blog Networks Affect Guest Blog Success? YES

Our team recognizes the harm private blog networks (PBNs) cause, hence our commitment to avoiding them. PBNs are websites that exist solely to give other websites backlinks. Some businesses use them to manipulate search engines to improve their rankings. This violates Google’s Webmaster Quality Guidelines. 

According to these guidelines, all links intended to manipulate Google rankings may be considered spam and subjected to penalties. We stay up to date and follow search engine guidelines to keep our clients’ websites safe. 

5. What Are Some Guest Blog Best Practices?

The quality of your guest blog will determine whether your target hosting platform accepts your request. Our team of experienced content writers may help improve your chances of getting a positive response by creating high-quality content. With us, your guest blogs will be informative, engaging, and relevant to your target platform’s audience. We offer unique insights presented in well-structured and easy-to-read articles.

6. Should You Include Links to Your Website in Your Guest Blogs?

Adding a link to your website can be a great tool to help boost SEO. Including a link to your website allows readers to visit your site for more information. This can help to increase your website’s visibility and traffic. You can link to your site in various places within the content. Our team focuses on contextual linking, which can amplify your SEO efforts by presenting your website as authoritative. We add links relevant to each guest blog to allow readers to understand the topic being discussed.

7. Are There Specific Guest Blog Rules?

Your chosen hosting platform will determine the rules for your guest blogs. Websites have varying rules on the number of backlinks allowed, word count, and images used. Some may even have topic specifications. We review different platforms’ rules before submitting guest blogs to ensure they meet their requirements. Our team is adaptable, so you can rest assured we will find the right fit for your guest post. 

8. How Long Does It Take to Complete a Guest Blog Post?

The time it takes for a guest blog to be completed depends on how fast you create your content and your chosen host platform’s editorial process. Some platforms have a quicker turnaround time than others. Our team will communicate with the host website to get an estimate of their publishing timeline and let you know. You don’t need to worry about writing delays, as our dedicated content writers are efficient. Clients can create a free account and follow our entire process, from the moment they make their orders to when they are completed. 

9. How Can You Measure the Success of Your Guest Blogs?

You can measure the success of your guest blog by tracking metrics like Keyword Rankings, web traffic, and conversions. We’ll provide a link to your guest post after it has been published to allow you to evaluate success. Increased views on your guest post may then translate to increased interaction on your business page.

Invest in Guest Blogging Today

Lift My Rank is committed to helping businesses gain more authority in their niche. Our in-house quality assurance team can help you get the best content and publishing website for your guest posting efforts. Contact us for efficient and reliable guest blogging services today.